takashi kono's blog


tmux memo

tmux memo

Boot tmux

$ tmux

Prefix key (Default)


Window customize short cut

key sub command meaning
c new window open new window
n next-window move next window
p previous-window move previous window
, rename-window rename window
0-9 select-window move to 0-9 window number
l last-window move to last window
w choose-window display the window list then select one
& kill-window kill the present window

Pane operation key (Push below keys after prefix key)

key sub command meaning
split-window split window up/down
% split-window -h split window left/right
x kill-pane delete present pain
q display-panes display pain number
o select-pane -t :.+ move next pain
; last-pane move last pain
cursor select-pain -[U|D|L|R] move [above|below|left|light] pain
{ swap-pain -U swap pane
} swap-pain -D swap pane
C-(cursor) resize-pane -[U|D|L|R] change pane size